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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Intentionally Praying

"Pray continually." 1 Thessalonians 5:17
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything." Philippians 4:6

I have been working to be more intentional about praying. Not just for me, but for my children too. The Bible tells us very clearly to pray continually & about everything.  I want my children to automatically reach for God when they are happy, sad, in need, worried, or interceding for someone.  Our natural human response is when we are happy - enjoy it, when we are worried - plow through or talk with friends, when a friend needs help - help them. Instead, the Bible tells us to turn first and foremost to God - in EVERYTHING!

So we are trying to put that in practice in our home. We pray before meals, during Bible time, when we hear an ambulance, when a friend is in need, in thanksgiving at the end of our day as we count our blessings, and when we are sick or hurt.

My heart was overflowing with joy this week when my daughter Minnie asked for us to pray for something  before it even crossed my mind. Here's what happened.

The kids were all tucked into bed, I'd cleaned the kitchen (again!) and I was just sitting down to return some emails when my son Goofy called from upstairs. I went up and was directed to my daughter Minnie's room. I turned on the light & my heart began to race. There was blood that seemed to be everywhere! There was blood in her hair, all over her face, her arms, her nightgown, and in her bed. I picked her up & carried her to the bathroom to try & figure out where the blood was coming from. It turned out it was a bloody nose. I've never gotten a bloody nose a day in my life so this was all new to me & it sure seemed like a lot of blood. At my request, my son ran down stairs to get my husband who came up & said - yep, that's what a bloody nose is like. Apparently he had them a lot growing up. So I pinched my little girls nose as she leaned her head back.

Minnie began to realize her Princess nightgown was bloody & asked for a change of clothes & a bath to get the blood off of her. But then she said, "Wait. First can we pray and ask God to help with my bloody nose." What a beautiful thing to hear her remember to pray about everything! So we did just that - we prayed. It was simple; it was beautiful. It was something I will not soon forget.

It is no wonder the bible tell us to have faith like a child (Matthew 18:3). So I encourage you today to teach your children to praying continually and about everything. Then watch how your children will teach you too!



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